I have flown rockets since elementary school and am a past president of WVSOAR — NAR 564, originally West Virginia Society of Amateur Rocketry later changed to West Virginia Southern Ohio Amateur Rocketry. I flew from 1999-2010. You can find the club at WVSOAR.org
Rocketry is a wonderful hobby and highly suggest you and your children, if you have them, get involved. It's a great family friendly community and who doesn't love seeing loud rockets scream up into the sky? Below is a collection of photographs I took during my time with WVSOAR. Enjoy. You can see the 2002, 2003 and 2004 DVD videos here.
All that rocket goodness culminated in seeing STS 131, the last Space Shuttle night lauch of shuttle Discovery. Here is a composite of the images I took from Cocoa Beach. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.